Monday, March 30, 2020

Cool Chemistry Demonstrations

Cool Chemistry DemonstrationsKids love to see their chemistry demonstrations and fun experiments at home and in the classroom. Since they are interested in how things work, many kids will try to put together things like water, hydrogen and oxygen to make some bombs that are great for scary movies. Other experiments involve using graphite to make bullets. They will put it all together and just hold the gun like a pencil and shoot and make something cool with it.Another demonstration is when you put a bunch of plastic soda bottles together, screw on the top and fill it with gasoline. Take some test paper and write something on it that looks like flames and take this at a gas station. Go out to the parking lot and stand next to the fake gasoline and tell the clerk that the paper says 'Flaming'. He'll run out and get more from the outlet.Experiment on a rock. You can roll the rock until it becomes heavier and then go to town. The next time you have a science fair project, you can do this again but roll the rock out into a ball. Or roll it on a wheel and give it a whack with the back of a baseball bat or whatever instrument you decide on.You have to remember that every project you do is going to teach your child about what type of material the project is made of. So they can identify different things on their own later. Let your child pick out what they want to work on and ask them what they think it should be made of. Then start figuring out what will make it lighter or heavier. Sometimes you'll need to put weights on it to make it lighter.If your child is doing the experiment to make a game out of it then you can experiment more and see what results you get out of it. For example, when you try to put the element nitrogen on your plastic soda bottle you will notice that the bottle begins to seem to be foggy. The same thing happens when you turn on the light with a little nitrogen in it. Even if you are not doing this as a science fair project, children love to play games and doing experiments gives them a chance to do so.You can even try putting water into a can of soda to see if it freezes and you'll see what I mean. These kinds of experiments are great because they are easy to do and can be done almost anytime. There are no special instruments needed and it does not take up a lot of time to do.These are just a few cool experiments you can do that are great for a real science fair project. Take a look at the experiments your child wants to try at home and make sure that you set up the right equipment for it. Of course you can do the experiments together and give each other props for what you do. You can even use props to help them learn too.Other cool demonstrations you can do at home include playing around with chemical reactions. Some examples include stirring a small pile of substances with a spoon to see what happens or mix up a concoction to see if it mixes and produces a different substance.

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